PublicationsNew brochures for cultivation of MAPs Cultivation of Calendula Cultivation of Melissa Cultivation of Black Mellaga Cultivation of Mint Cultivation of the White Mellaga Cultivation of Oregano Cultivation of Chamomile Cultivation of Servant Cultivation of Cyan Cultivation of Nettle Studies for NWFP and MAP sector NWFP_MAP sector study 2017 NWFP_MAP sector study 2018 NWFP_MAP sector study 2019 NWFP_MAP Sector Study 2019 NWFP_MAP Sector Study 2020 Study of the NWFP and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP) Sector Study of the Non-Wood Forest Products and Medical Aromatic Plants Sector 2023 Study of the Non-Wood Forest Products and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2022 Market Analysis 2024The European Market for organic Medical & Aromatic Plants and Non-Wood Forest Products from Kosovo Brochures for cultivation of MAPs Kultivimi Organik i KalendurësDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i KamomilitDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i LivandësDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i Mëllagës së bardhëDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i Mëllagës së zezëDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i MentësDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i RigonitDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i Barit të BletësDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i CianitDr. Endrit Kullaj Kultivimi Organik i SherebelësDr. Endrit Kullaj Inventory of NWFP Inventory of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Wild Berries in KosovoProf. Dr. Fadil Millaku Notebook for record keeping Fletore për Kultivimin e BMA-ve Fletore e Grumbullimit të PPJD-ve Fletore për Regjistrimin e Shitjeve Fletore për Regjistrimin e Shpenzimeve Other documents Katalogu i llojeve bimore qe permbajne materiet helmuese Pyrrocilidine dhe Tropan Postieri i llojeve bimore qe permbajne materiet helmuese Pyrrocilidine dhe Tropan Spisak biljnih vrsta koje sadrze otrovne materije pirolizidinskih alkaloida i tropanskih alkaloida Katalog biljnih vrsta koje sadrze otrovne materije Pirolizidinskih alkaloida (PA) i Tropanskih alkaloida (TA) Inventory of Plants Containing Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA) and Tropane Alkaloids (TA) in Kosovo Basic Rules for Sustainable Collection of Non-Wood Forrest Products (NWFP) List of organic inputs for MAPs in Kosovo (taken from FIBL reference list)