Company details
Address: Ferizaj
Location: Ferizaj
Email address:
Contact person: Hyzri Paloja
Contact number: 0038344325235
Other Details
Size of the company: Micro Enterprise: less than 10 persons employed
Type of business activity: Collection Center of MAPs, Collection Center of NWFPs, Cultivation of MAPs, Exporter, Processor
Non-Wood Forest Products
Product |
Product condition |
Annual volume in tons |
Product status |
Packaging type |
Porcini | Dried | 1 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Cowslips | Dried | 1 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Elder | Dried | 4 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Wild Apples | Fresh | 10 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag 25 kg polypropilen bag |
Ramsons | Dried | 3 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Blueberries/Wild blueberries | Dried | 3 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Medicinal and Aromatik Plants
Product |
Product condition |
Annual volume in tons |
Product status |
Packaging type |
Nettle | Dried | 3 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Peppermint | Dried | 3 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Oregano | Dried | 3 | Organic |
25 kg paper bag |
Cultivated fruits
Product |
Product condition |
Annual volume in tons |
Product status |
Packaging type |
Raspberry | Frozen | 10 | Conventional |
10 kg carton box |