Company OSA Thermosystemi Presents Technology Program to Members of ORGANIKA

The ORGANIKA Association organized a presentation by OSA Thermosystemi from Rahovec,a company that specializes in equipment for drying and processing of agricultural products. The main purpose was to introduce the technology program of this company to association members, and also receive feedback based on specific technology requirements that the members have. The company presented its program to the members through a presentation, followed by a visit of the company, where members saw various drying equipment/machines, shredding machines, etc. It was a great opportunity to talk to the manufacturer directly, as ORGANIKA members are potential buyers of products offered by OSA Thermosystemi. After this helpful meeting, association members proposed that this should be an activity to be organized at least once a year.


This presentation was organized with the support of Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo, through the PASURI (Prosper Agrarian Production in Kosovo by Sustainable Rural Investments) project.